USGenWeb Project

Missouri GenWeb Project

World GenWeb Project

Welcome to Saline County, Missouri

contact State Coordinator - Mel Owings

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Onsite Resources

African Americans in Saline county



Bible Records ( none on site)

Birth & Deaths (none on site yet)



Dunkard Cemetery
Gilliam Cemetery
Old Methodist Cemetery

Census: see off line resources

HISTORY of SALINE COUNTY, MISSOURI Missouri Historical Company, St. Louis, 1881

Family Histories online updated


Land Records

LOOKUPS and Local Resources - Marshall Library,Cemetery & Church Locations, Courthouse Records, Newpapers, Vital Records, etc.

MAPS : Current Historical Development Township Saline County, MO Mapping new Salt Works Map new

Marriages: 1820-1839

Military Records for Saline County none at present

Missouri and General Genealogical Resources Lots of different resources.

1901 Train Wreck and Photos

Also see Scanned Obituaries from Miami newspaper above

PHOTOS Can You Help Identify?
Event - Sweet Springs, MO | Schoolhouse | 3 Ladies
Marshall, MO Man

PHOTOS -Miscellaneous

MaryLewis-Louisa Major Photo new
| Baseball Game | Cooper & Woodson Photos
Downtown - Marshall, MO | Train Station - Marshall, MO

PHOTOS -School

 See new Slater school photos

Surname Registry new

OLD Surnames -- Queries _ email addresses may be outdated and bad

Towns & Communities - Locations of Churches, Libraries, Post Office, Organizations, etc.

Wills, Probate records, Estate Inventories

Brief History

S aline County was organized November 25, 1820, (effective January 1, 1821) from Cooper County and named for its numerous salt springs. Bordered on the north by the Missouri River. Saline County is considered to part of "Little Dixie" in the antebellum years.

Arrow Rock - "In 1829, the town of Arrow Rock was founded on the bluff above the ferry crossing. Originally named Philadelphia, the town's name was changed in 1833 to coincide with the landmark. Its situation on the Missouri River and Santa Fe Trail meant that large numbers of travelers heading west passed through the town." Be sure to visit the rest of this site for more information on Arrow Rock, past and present.

Slater (bad link) - "Slater was named for Col. John Fox Slater who served with the Union Army during the Civil War and was a major stockholder in the Chicago & Alton R.R. Mr. Slater became enormously wealthy in the textile business and was very interested in the westward expansion of the United States, principally the expansion of the railroads. This is another great site for information, past and present, for this community.

Sweet Springs, Missouri "Sweet Springs began as a stopping place for pioneers who were making their way across the Missouri River. The first settlers came from Kentucky in 1817 when the town was know as Claysville. The town was incorporated in 1832, and was renamed Brownsville in 1838, in honor of the man who owned the land on which the village stood." " The name was again changed to Sweet Springs in the late 1800's.


Neighboring Counties:

Carroll County Chariton County CooperCounty
Boonslick Historical Society of Cooper and Howard Counties.
Howard County and Howard County Genealogical Society

Johnson County
LafayetteCounty - West Central Missouri Genealogical Society and Library, Inc.
PettisCounty - No genealogical society.  Genealogical information can be found at the Boonslick or Sedalia Public Libraries.  Pettis is also represented by the West Central Genealogical Society at the Trails Library in Warrensburg.
Offsite Resources Local and General

African American

Mo. Persons of Color [Invalid Link]


Bible Records - Saline CO, MO
Hedrick-Scott Researchers
Are you part of this family? Pages of a bible

GenWeb Archives 1 only

Birth and Death Records Database

Communities online- see below for brief history

Arrow Rock

Slater (bad link)

Historic Sites of Interest:


MO Libraries&Societies


Random Acts of Kindness use search for Saline County

Mail Lists- see below bottom of list

Message Boards
Saline County Message Board at Rootsweb


Historical Maps: Missouri GenWeb

Check Saline County GW Archives +

Missouri Marriages-1820-1850
images by surname


Missouri Soldiers of the Great War -WWI Casualities-search by surname

Missouri Based General Websites

Accessgenealogy some online records plus links to ancestry

Newspapers: Current online Saline County and adjouning counties

Marshall Democrat-News, The (Marshall)

Sedalia Democrat ( Pettis Co.)
may contain Saline Co. information - check their obits


Missouri Valley College History and Today
Saline County GenWeb Archives

I am not a resident of the area, and canot do any personal research.
Information submitted by others will not be corrected except by request of the original submitter.
I am not responsible for errors or omissions.
This is a free research site and all information should be verified though other sources and methods

This information may be used by libraries and genealogical societies as reference material only
and by individuals for their own personal use. 
  Commercial use of this information is strictly prohibited without prior written permission.
If any information on this website is copied, this point of origin notice must appear with the information.

Information submitted by others is copyrighted and not to be copied, distributed or otherwise used for any purpose
 2004 /2007 all rights reserved.

This Page Updated:6 March 2025
© Copyright 2025 MOGenWeb Team,
Please ask before copying? All rights reserved
State Coordinator (SC) : Mel Owings
Asst. State Coordinator (ASC):  Martha A C Graham

 Links Checked: 6 March 2025

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